Term paper is a detailed study of a topic and to draw a conclusion about it. It is based upon the survey and information gained by means of secondary sources. Term paper may refer to academic paper, term paper, thesis or dissertation. Academic Paper: They are published in journals and consist of original research. Term Paper: It is written by high school or graduates. Thesis or dissertation: a document, which is given in support, of a candidature for a degree. It presents the author's research, findings and recommendations. Writing a term paper needs to have information about a subject, take a stand on it and draw opinions, ideas, view of others. Thus, a printed paper known as tern or library paper is formed. It is between 5 to15 pages in length.
Steps to create a term paper: Choose a research topic, find information related to it, state the real objective of the thesis, make a tentative outline of how to proceed, organize the notes, write the first draft, revisit the outline and the draft then prepare the final report.
Preparing of a report needs a lot of efforts. There is a proper format that should be followed while preparing a report. The intexting and referencing, etc should be done properly. Literature review is most valuable part in the term paper. Information gathering depends upon the topic of study.
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